multi-level marketing
or multilevel marketing
: a business structure or practice in which an individual seller earns commissions both from direct sales and from the sales of the seller's recruits, of those recruited by the seller's recruits, and so on
In multi-level marketing, like selling Amway cleaning products, you also earn commissions from products sold by others you bring into the organization.—
Judy Waytiuk
If the money you make is based on your sales to the public, it may be a legitimate multilevel marketing plan. If the money you make is mainly based on the number of people you recruit and your sales to them, it's a pyramid scheme.—
Aditi Jhaveri
—abbreviation MLM
multi-level marketer
or multilevel marketer
plural multi-level marketers or multilevel marketers
She signed on with the multilevel marketer (a business model that pays income from the sales of consultants recruited into the program) in October 2001, hosting spa parties at friends' homes.
Claire McIntosh
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